Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greenhouse Business Challenge Essay Example

Essays on Greenhouse Business Challenge Essay The paper "Greenhouse Business Challenge" is a worthy example of a business essay.  Effective carbon management starts with management officials communicating by releasing a statement in the form of energy policy to other members of the organization. Energy policy is a written statement containing the organization’s usage of energy and goals it intends to achieve (Jennings, 2010, p.120). The statement should be practical and meaningful with details on how the organization intends to meet the goals. Managing and reducing carbon emission is extremely beneficial regardless of the shape and size of the organization in relation to increased energy prices and regulatory controls. In every organization, everyone has a duty to perform in cutting down carbon emission (Cohen, 2010, p.130).The responsibility of carbon emission management should be conducted in an efficient manner. A board committee member and any other executive member are responsible for this. The daily review of the management and responsibility of the carbon emission data should be given to another member of the team. This is to reduce work overload on the team member at the management level (Mandal, 2010, p.200). The report on carbon or environmental performance should be communicated to the stakeholders of the organization. In addition, it is essential to report the performance internally within the organization to recognize hard-working employees and motivate them to work harder. The organization should have well-established procedures for monitoring and controlling energy and fuel consumption. New operating instructions should be established, changing maintenance procedures, and setting up some systems for the staff to give feedback (Olson, 2009, p.88). The organization should upgrade lighting systems or even modify the policies of procurement by including low carbon goals. This will enable the staff to practice the procedures without difficulty and thereby leading to the organizational ac hievement of its goals.Carbon FootprintThe carbon footprint is the set of total greenhouse emissions, which are caused directly or indirectly by events, products, organizations, or individuals. The carbon footprint in Virgin Blue Holding Ltd is moderate but needs to improve in some areas (Jennings, 2010, p.391). The organization has introduced to the proper measurement of the carbon footprint. This is through the management and reporting the carbon footprint to improve the working environment. The organization has benefited on carbon footprint by reducing costs. This is through analysis and identifying areas to concentrate on reducing carbon emissions.The major problem in the organization is the carbon emission by operating vehicles (Wiliams, 2001, p.120). In addition, another significant problem is carbon emission from the processing industries. This is the major source of carbon emission in the organization. To design ways of handling the problems needs a lot of time because of th e use of technology warrants inclusion. After designing, the methods should be tested before implementing (Hoffman Woody, 2008, p.72). The organization should design some software, which should be fitted on the exhausts emitting carbon in the processing industries and vehicles. The software will assist in curbing the carbon emitted such that it will not be released to the air causing greenhouse challenges and health problems.ReferencesChomitz, K 2009, Evaluating Carbon Offsets from Forestry and Energy Projects: How Do They Compare?, World Bank, Development Research Group, Infrastructure and Environment, United States.Cohen, N 2010, Green Business: An A-to-Z Guide, SAGE, New York.Hoffman, A Woody, J 2008, Climate Change: What's Your Business Strategy? Harvard Business Press, United States.Jennings, M 2010, Business: It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, United States, Cengage Learning.Mandal, S 2010, Ethics in Business Corp Governance, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, United Kin gdom.Olson, E 2009, Better Green Business: Handbook for Environmentally Responsible and Profitable Business Practices, Pearson Prentice Hall, United States.Wiliams, D 2001, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-5, [held in August 2000 at Cairns, Queensland, Australia], Csiro Publishing, Queensland.

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